The weather has turned! Well, it couldn't last and we did have a great run of beautiful perfect summer weather. We've been able to sit outside for breakfast eating pancakes with Nutella and drinking tea under a warm morning sun. We've had suppers under the trees as the sun faded behind the Edinburgh roofs. But all this heat was turning the lawns yellow and drying out the flower beds. It felt like those long ago summers from childhood, running barefoot on the grass and paddling in cold stoney waters.......
And then the storms came and with them the rain. The thunder was terrific and the lightening a little bit too close! Luckily our very sensitive and gentle lurcher Fur Baby didn't seem to mind at all - not what we expected from such a shrinking violet! But he took it all in his stride - although he did object strongly to being taken out in the rain (quick dashes for a pee!).
Today, it was cooler and darker in the house as the clouds were heavy. So I felt the need for a bit of cosy whilst listening to the rain outside.
With candles in the sittingroom
A gooey chocolate cake for afternoon tea
Then more candles in the evening........with a good thriller on television, sitting in my pj's on the sofa.
And another slice of cake with a final cup of tea. That's what weekends are for, whatever the weather :-)
How did you enjoy your weekend?